Hi-Target visited universities in Philippine

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Recently, in the company of a local partner, representatives from Hi-Target visited the surveying and mapping department of three universities in Philippine, respectively University of Philippine,FEATI University,University of North Philippine.

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Through comprehensive and thorough communication with the persons in charge of surveying department and students there in these universities, Hi-Target had some detailed information about the current situation and future trend of surveying department in Philippine. Due to the lack of funds, these departments have very limited surveying instruments in terms of variety and number, causing the fact that students do not have a wide access to surveying instruments. Therefore, some teachers and students are not very aware of the latest and cutting-edge surveying technology and its developing trend.

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Given this situation, the vice president of Hi-Target David Hu delivered a report to the teachers and students, introducing the advanced surveying technology Hi-Target now have and the development trend in the future. Meanwhile, David also gave an introduction about the current situation of surveying department in China and the achievements Hi-Target has made through cooperating with universities as well.

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Hi-Target is very willing to offer support to help students in Philippine universities with surveying knowledge by setting up scholarship, sponsoring surveying skills competition and teaching skills competition with surveying instruments, providing students with opportunities to pursue further study in China. Hi-Target has always been committed to make contribution for the communication between universities in China and those in Philippine.

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This report has aroused strong repercussions in the teachers and students who showed much appreciation for Hi-Target’s effort and have high expectation for the cooperation plan with the local universities.


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